Wednesday, January 8, 2014

(Late) New Year's Resolutions

Good Morning! It's been a while...
...and so first and foremost I want to apologize. For being away so long, and for turning my back on my commitment to this blog. It's supposed to be helping me grow, in the Lord, in His word, and in myself, and I'm completely...not doing that. I've been failing lately.

It's a new year now though. I want to start off different, if even a little late.
 Sorry this is EIGHT days late, but the love of my life is in on leave before he deploys so I've been a bit distracted...from everything really (I'm finally coming out of it...) ((he'll be gone by the end of the week))
Anywho! New Year's Resolutions! 

1) Live This Year Completely And Utterly For The Lord, Jesus Christ
2) Read The Whole Bible By The End Of This Year (I'm getting there!)
3) Save As Many Lost As Possible And Be A Better Witness
 Okay, these three are biggies and should be to any follower of Christ out there. We are meant to serve Jesus, hear and read His Word, and save the lost! I haven't been doing a very good job at any of this! I could do better. I should do better! It's my job! We get so lost in this temporary world...we forget why God made us.

4) Get A New Car
I love my Monty. I've had him for the past couple of years now. He's my big, red baby...with a busted headlight, dented door, non-working interior light, non-working speed-gauge, cracked windshield, and very loud muffler. He gets me from here to there and I'm blessed to even have a working vehicle that can do that. He's my first car (1998 Mitsubishi Montero Sport) and he was (is) a good one. If in God's will, I'll get a new one when my tax-return comes in. 

5) Become An EMT/Get On An Ambulance Crew
I'm so, so close! Only a few more months and I'll be an EMT after this semester, willing I pass the major exam afterwards! Then I have to find an ambulance team to take me in...So much closer to my dream job! 

6) Declare My Major 
Paramedic Science. Yes. I hate math, I hate science, but I'm gonna do it. Pre-med requirements here I come! 

7) Travel To THREE New Places (At least!) 
I love traveling, but I don't do it enough. With Austin (my Marine-man and boyfriend) being gone for at least eight months sometime this year, I can use the money I usually save up to see him to go traveling somewhere new! I don't know where yet, I've yet to make that list! I've got one place down though: Alaska. I'm going on a mission trip with my church in July for about two weeks! I can't wait! 

8) Get A New Camera 
My old Fuji Film is wearing out! And the specs aren't completely up to what I need with my little photography business I've got starting. I've had my baby since I was twelve...I need a new camera. 

9) Survive. This. Deployment.
I'm not gonna go in-depth in this...yet. You'll hear all about it later, I'm sure. I still need to introduce my hunny-boo-boo in a post at some point. I'll get to it.   

10) Go Natural and All-Organic As Possible 
This should speak for itself! Everything they put in food and such is so...gross and bad for you! I'll go more in-depth in this later too! 

11) Go All Year Without Dying My Hair
I've went the past seven months without dying my hair. I can do this! 

12) Start Exercising/Eating Better
Everyone puts this one down. I'm really hoping I can keep to it. I know I can do the "eating better"'s the exercising I'm worried about.

13) Get A Tattoo That Means Something
A meaningful tattoo...not just something that I like. Something that declares my love for Jesus! 

Okay, now let's all hope I can keep to these! I have a lot to really keep to and start doing. Cheer me on! Anyone else's list look like mine?

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