Friday, January 17, 2014

The First Week

...and I'm worn out. I had my first week back in my classes...and I'm utterly and completely tired-worn-out-and-ALMOST-overwhelmed. I'm so glad I'm just taking 12 hours of classes. Between my Lifetime Wellness class and my EMC 101 class, I'm beat. I have so much reading to do in my EMC class...and then the required hours I have to work out in my wellness class...gah. Okay, maybe I'm just whining. I can do this. I know I can.
I just got a little discouraged last night. I'm not very strong. I mean, I don't have any muscle at all. I'm all...wimpy. I was working on my "picking up patients on an ambulance stretcher" skill sheet and I had the posture wrong, my hands placed wrong, my arms weren't tucked in enough and my back wasn't straight enough. It was terrible. I did okay without a person on the stretcher...but then when the person got on, and they were more weight then I could handle, the paramedic student working with me had to talk me through the whole thing. We practiced over and over. I still have to work on it.
Please, please, please pray for me. These are people's lives.

Okay, I think I've blogged enough, that it's time to share my Instagram account! Yes!
Being the picture-lover that I am, you know I have to have one. I use it very, very often.

If you want to find me (or follow me!) my username is: slhallphotography
Or the link is here:

And I should have a button on the side panel of my blog...I'm getting that up in a second.

Thanks for listening, and I hope ya'll have the best, blessed day!


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