I've made a decision, because I can't write on here everyday like I want-I simply don't have the time or resources-I've decided that I will pick one day a week to recap on what I've read. I think that would be easier on me, and it wouldn't be spamming up my posts every day with my challenge.
I think Friday might make a good day for this. Saturday I'm usually working, and Sunday I'm at church. So Friday sounds good.
So far, I've read Genesis 7. I'm to the flood. So, I've been thinking all day on how I should update all this. I still haven't made up my mind. I'll give a quick update either tomorrow, or Sunday if I have time, then I'll start posting about The Immersed Challenge on Fridays. Right now, I've gotta start to work.
Make it a blessing,
P.S. I HAVE A VERY SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: a very dear family friend of ours had their house burn down yesterday on Thanksgiving. I just want to ask that you all be praying for them. I can't imagine that happening to me....thanks! Have a great weekend! I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Immersed Challenge: Day 2
"And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
Genesis 2:3
Good morning everyone! I'm so tired, but I'm about to get ready for church. Today I read the second chapter of Genesis. It talked about the seventh day and how God made woman from man. Praise God, He knew man would need a companion. He breathed a breath of life and man became a living soul.
God breathed life into us. We are made from God Himself! Isn't that something to be excited about?
Thank you, Jesus, for everything. Amen.
I'm keeping this short this morning because I'm writing this on my tablet and I'm not so good at it yet. So sorry for any spelling mistakes...
Have a blessed Sunday!
Genesis 2:3
Good morning everyone! I'm so tired, but I'm about to get ready for church. Today I read the second chapter of Genesis. It talked about the seventh day and how God made woman from man. Praise God, He knew man would need a companion. He breathed a breath of life and man became a living soul.
God breathed life into us. We are made from God Himself! Isn't that something to be excited about?
Thank you, Jesus, for everything. Amen.
I'm keeping this short this morning because I'm writing this on my tablet and I'm not so good at it yet. So sorry for any spelling mistakes...
Have a blessed Sunday!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Immersed Challenge
Hello everyone! I hope your day is going good so far! It's been a little bit since I've actually written. First I want to say thank you for everyone and your prayers when I requested it. I have a peace now about the situation that I know I wouldn't have been able to achieve without God and your support.
Everything is in His hands. Nothing goes through me without going through Him first. His plan.
Speaking of plans. I'm starting a reading plan. A reading challenge.
I've never been one to really get into my Bible every morning or every day like I should. I know God's word is crucial to being able to walk in love in His guidance. I finally found a plan that I think is going to get me on track. I started it this morning. It's supposed to take 365 days to complete. It's called the "Immersed Challenge".
The challenge is hosted by "more to be". You can find it here: http://www.moretobe.com/immersed/
I read Genesis 1 this morning. It was a blessing.
And He went through it all; for you and for me. For everyone. How could you deny someone's love after that?
I'll be posting (hopefully) everyday about every verse I read. If I miss a day, I'll post about the two verses that I've read and so on and so forth.
I encourage you to take part in this challenge with me! Comment and let me know what you think. I'm really excited to take this journey with God.
Make it a blessing,
Everything is in His hands. Nothing goes through me without going through Him first. His plan.
Speaking of plans. I'm starting a reading plan. A reading challenge.
I've never been one to really get into my Bible every morning or every day like I should. I know God's word is crucial to being able to walk in love in His guidance. I finally found a plan that I think is going to get me on track. I started it this morning. It's supposed to take 365 days to complete. It's called the "Immersed Challenge".
The challenge is hosted by "more to be". You can find it here: http://www.moretobe.com/immersed/
(click on the images to enhance them)
I read Genesis 1 this morning. It was a blessing.
"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them.
And God blessed them,"
And God blessed them,"
-Genesis 1:27-28
getting back to the basics is exactly what you need. God is still
blessing us. Still loving us. He loved us from the moment He created us,
before even that. He knew every single one of us and had a plan for
every person on this earth before we were born. Even knowing we would
fail over and over...He died for us. Was tortured. Was beaten.
Humiliated. And He went through it all; for you and for me. For everyone. How could you deny someone's love after that?
I'll be posting (hopefully) everyday about every verse I read. If I miss a day, I'll post about the two verses that I've read and so on and so forth.
I encourage you to take part in this challenge with me! Comment and let me know what you think. I'm really excited to take this journey with God.
Make it a blessing,
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Prayer Request
I'm in a situation and I'm not sure what to do about it and it's putting me in a really bad mood because I can't get it out of my head. I know, I'm letting the devil win. I've prayed about this; it's going to be okay, but I can't stop worrying.
Pray for me please. This mood won't go away, and I'm about to go to work. I need God's strength 'cause I know I can't do this alone.
Make it a blessing, and thank you,
Pray for me please. This mood won't go away, and I'm about to go to work. I need God's strength 'cause I know I can't do this alone.
Make it a blessing, and thank you,
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I Need a Hobby
Seriously. I'm just sitting here.
For the past couple of months my Tuesday and Thursday afternoons have been filled with a lovely thing called "algebra". Well, my class finished out early this semester, so we don't have to come anymore (woot! woot!). I kept thinking "I'll be able to get the things I need to get done, actually done!".
I now found out that I really don't have that many things to do.
I mean, I have things that need doing (I need to finish a couple of gifts for Christmas and such...) but I'm just not in the crafty mood. I could go running; I need to start back on my exercise routine...but I'm just not in the mood for getting all sweaty...and I'm lazy.
(I'm planning on tackling that exercise plan soon though!)
(Really, I am.)
(I AM.)
I just need a hobby. There is only so much gaming I can do on Steam. Only so many books I can read. I don't know! I'm just in a funk I guess.
I partially know why.
I can't say though.
Not on here.
Not yet.
Just be praying for me! Promise the next post will be sooner and won't be so boring!
Make it blessed,
For the past couple of months my Tuesday and Thursday afternoons have been filled with a lovely thing called "algebra". Well, my class finished out early this semester, so we don't have to come anymore (woot! woot!). I kept thinking "I'll be able to get the things I need to get done, actually done!".
I now found out that I really don't have that many things to do.
I mean, I have things that need doing (I need to finish a couple of gifts for Christmas and such...) but I'm just not in the crafty mood. I could go running; I need to start back on my exercise routine...but I'm just not in the mood for getting all sweaty...and I'm lazy.
(I'm planning on tackling that exercise plan soon though!)
(Really, I am.)
(I AM.)
I just need a hobby. There is only so much gaming I can do on Steam. Only so many books I can read. I don't know! I'm just in a funk I guess.
I partially know why.
I can't say though.
Not on here.
Not yet.
Just be praying for me! Promise the next post will be sooner and won't be so boring!
Make it blessed,
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Announcement: Name Change!
Hello everyone, if you've taken a look, you'll see something different on the blog.
Bum, bum, bum...! A title change!
I want to apologize for any confusion this might have given anyone. With "Catching Blessings" being the name of my small-amatuer-photography business, I thought it would make the best title, however, lately I've been lead to change the name to "Daughter Of The Star Breather".
It more coordinates with who I am and what I write about on here. Yes, I do post up some photography and what-not, however, not enough. I'm slow during the winter; I hate the cold and I hate getting out and doing sessions when it's freezing!
I mostly write about my life on here. Little tips. Some DIY's. How my life is going. And it's going. It's going amazingly great.
Now, back to "Daughter Of The Star Breather". Who is the "Star Breather" exactly?
The one who made Heaven, The Earth and you and me. Jesus. So, "Daughter Of God". "Daughter Of Jesus". It just sounds more powerful. I love it.
This means I might have to make a few appearance changes to the blog as well...ideas are popping up in my head already!
But let me know how you like the new title! I know I love it. (I won't be changing it again, at least I hope not!)
Make It Blessed,
Bum, bum, bum...! A title change!
I want to apologize for any confusion this might have given anyone. With "Catching Blessings" being the name of my small-amatuer-photography business, I thought it would make the best title, however, lately I've been lead to change the name to "Daughter Of The Star Breather".
It more coordinates with who I am and what I write about on here. Yes, I do post up some photography and what-not, however, not enough. I'm slow during the winter; I hate the cold and I hate getting out and doing sessions when it's freezing!
I mostly write about my life on here. Little tips. Some DIY's. How my life is going. And it's going. It's going amazingly great.
Now, back to "Daughter Of The Star Breather". Who is the "Star Breather" exactly?
The one who made Heaven, The Earth and you and me. Jesus. So, "Daughter Of God". "Daughter Of Jesus". It just sounds more powerful. I love it.
This means I might have to make a few appearance changes to the blog as well...ideas are popping up in my head already!
But let me know how you like the new title! I know I love it. (I won't be changing it again, at least I hope not!)
Make It Blessed,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Oh, Where For Art Thou, Firebird?
I'm kinda depressed this morning.
Remember that car I mentioned in my last post? The one I really, really loved and was going to buy? Well, I texted the guy again this morning...and he's trading it for another car. Do you know what makes it really sad?
It was a beautiful, white 1994 V6 Pontiac Firebird with glass t-tops.
The price was a really, really good deal too. I was just so excited to go get it! I mean I love Monty (my 1998 Mitsubishi Montero Sport SUV)...but he's getting old. And his parts are pricey. Very pricey.
I've wanted a Firebird since I was 12 and first saw one. They're just beautiful. I really want one. My dream car is a 1970's "Smokey and The Bandit" model with a giant firebird on the front. That would be really nice.
And I guess I shouldn't be upset, I mean I prayed on it. God gave me my answer, the best answer: His answer. I know He has something better in mind for me...I just want to selfishly wallow for a little bit though.
Well, make it a blessing,
Remember that car I mentioned in my last post? The one I really, really loved and was going to buy? Well, I texted the guy again this morning...and he's trading it for another car. Do you know what makes it really sad?
It was a beautiful, white 1994 V6 Pontiac Firebird with glass t-tops.
![]() |
I don't claim this photo! |
I've wanted a Firebird since I was 12 and first saw one. They're just beautiful. I really want one. My dream car is a 1970's "Smokey and The Bandit" model with a giant firebird on the front. That would be really nice.
And I guess I shouldn't be upset, I mean I prayed on it. God gave me my answer, the best answer: His answer. I know He has something better in mind for me...I just want to selfishly wallow for a little bit though.
Well, make it a blessing,
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Snapple: Peach Tea! Yum!
I just had to share something: my new favorite drink! (At least for now...)
It's so good! I really didn't think anything about it when I absentmindedly grabbed it at Kroger. I just needed something to drink with my lunch(-able. It was the pizza-kind.) I took a drink and immediately fell into peach-tea-heaven. It's also supposed to be all natural, but I'm a little skeptic. Though the bottle says the only ingredients are:
- filtered water
- sugar
- citric acid
- tea
- natural flavors (whatever that means...)
Oh, and I may be getting a new car! Maybe. I really hope so. I'm so, so in love with the one I'm looking at.
I'm really praying on it. Be praying with me?
Make it blessed,
Sunday, September 29, 2013
It's Been a While...
Hello everyone,
It's been a while since I've written. I've been doing so much lately, I just feel like I haven't had time to really write or do much of anything really.
I've gotten into college. I'm already half way through the semester at the EKU Danville campus. I'm taking psychology, algebra 095 (I'm not so good at math), American civ, GSD (which is some orientation class...), and EMC (CPR certification and basic emergency response).
I'm loving all of my classes, and I think I'm doing well in all of them...except maybe my GSD class. I haven't really been taking it seriously like I should be. It's a really simple easy class, that I should be getting an "A" in and taking advantage of how easy it is and highering my GPA.
I don't know, last week there was an assignment; my teacher had written down a web address on the board and you had to do a couple of survey's and print it off and give it to her. Well, I did the wrong assignment (the one due for this week) and I told her my situation. Well she told me to go get it done really quick, so I went to the computer lab and typed in the address...and nothing. The address was wrong. I took so long that my classmate had to come get me because we were taking a quiz and so I left the lab without getting the assignment done.
By the time class was over I was just too scared to go ask her for the address again. She's one of THOSE teachers.
I don't know. Then I'm not going to my GSD class tomorrow because I'm meeting with a friend I haven't seen in a long time. I planned the outing with her and completely forgot about class! So I don't want to cancel on her because I don't want her to get angry with me...and I don't want to fail the class.
I just don't know what to do.
I also just finished my EMC class. I passed all the scenarios and I'm now certified in CPR. I didn't have any problems at all, except I need to work on my breathing...but that was because I have asthma, which usually isn't a problem...but yeah. I did good! And I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to become a full-on paramedic! I only have one more class until I'm an EMT!
Please be praying for me though...I skipped church tonight because I was so tired. I shouldn't have and I feel completely guilty about it. You should go to church when you're able, and I was able, I was just so tired (which isn't any excuse).
I just feel like I've been off track since starting college. I dislike it very much. (The getting-off-track, not college.)
Make it a blessing,
It's been a while since I've written. I've been doing so much lately, I just feel like I haven't had time to really write or do much of anything really.
I've gotten into college. I'm already half way through the semester at the EKU Danville campus. I'm taking psychology, algebra 095 (I'm not so good at math), American civ, GSD (which is some orientation class...), and EMC (CPR certification and basic emergency response).
I'm loving all of my classes, and I think I'm doing well in all of them...except maybe my GSD class. I haven't really been taking it seriously like I should be. It's a really simple easy class, that I should be getting an "A" in and taking advantage of how easy it is and highering my GPA.
I don't know, last week there was an assignment; my teacher had written down a web address on the board and you had to do a couple of survey's and print it off and give it to her. Well, I did the wrong assignment (the one due for this week) and I told her my situation. Well she told me to go get it done really quick, so I went to the computer lab and typed in the address...and nothing. The address was wrong. I took so long that my classmate had to come get me because we were taking a quiz and so I left the lab without getting the assignment done.
By the time class was over I was just too scared to go ask her for the address again. She's one of THOSE teachers.
I don't know. Then I'm not going to my GSD class tomorrow because I'm meeting with a friend I haven't seen in a long time. I planned the outing with her and completely forgot about class! So I don't want to cancel on her because I don't want her to get angry with me...and I don't want to fail the class.
I just don't know what to do.
I also just finished my EMC class. I passed all the scenarios and I'm now certified in CPR. I didn't have any problems at all, except I need to work on my breathing...but that was because I have asthma, which usually isn't a problem...but yeah. I did good! And I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to become a full-on paramedic! I only have one more class until I'm an EMT!
Please be praying for me though...I skipped church tonight because I was so tired. I shouldn't have and I feel completely guilty about it. You should go to church when you're able, and I was able, I was just so tired (which isn't any excuse).
I just feel like I've been off track since starting college. I dislike it very much. (The getting-off-track, not college.)
Make it a blessing,
Friday, July 26, 2013
Little Late Night Update
It's late. It's almost 12am. I got off work at 10 tonight and had to run to Wally World. I bought some notebooks, folders, erasers and desserts for a "Back to School Bash" that my mission team is hosting...that I don't even get to go to. I'm working. I wasn't allowed off...
So I figured I'd buy some things to go in their backpacks at least, ya know?
On another note; I got registered for classes at EKU! I'm so excited, but at the same time, not so much. But I'm still so excited to finally start-start college! I took some online classes at BCTC earlier this year...but that didn't work out so good...
But now I'm going to the Danville campus of Eastern Kentucky University! Yes, yes and yes. Though I'm only taking the boring classes right now...psychology, college algebra, American Civ, ect. I do have one class I can't wait to take though! But its a one-day class...I take it one Sunday and then it's done. But the class lasts from about 9am to 6pm. It's an EMC class, basic emergency health care. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
I need to get a CPR certification. Fast. That way I don't have to worry about it in college.
That's all I'm writing tonight though. I have to get up early to run these notebooks and stuff over to some people in the mission group. And I work at 11am tomorrow. So sleep might be a good idea.
Make it a blessing,
P.S. No, the site still isn't up...I'm working on it though. Promise! Surely but slowly...
So I figured I'd buy some things to go in their backpacks at least, ya know?
On another note; I got registered for classes at EKU! I'm so excited, but at the same time, not so much. But I'm still so excited to finally start-start college! I took some online classes at BCTC earlier this year...but that didn't work out so good...
But now I'm going to the Danville campus of Eastern Kentucky University! Yes, yes and yes. Though I'm only taking the boring classes right now...psychology, college algebra, American Civ, ect. I do have one class I can't wait to take though! But its a one-day class...I take it one Sunday and then it's done. But the class lasts from about 9am to 6pm. It's an EMC class, basic emergency health care. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
I need to get a CPR certification. Fast. That way I don't have to worry about it in college.
That's all I'm writing tonight though. I have to get up early to run these notebooks and stuff over to some people in the mission group. And I work at 11am tomorrow. So sleep might be a good idea.
Make it a blessing,
P.S. No, the site still isn't up...I'm working on it though. Promise! Surely but slowly...
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Steam. Gamers Beware.
A quickie.
It's 11:30 and I'm awake looking at this amazing deal going on Steam.
***For those of you who do not know what Steam is; it's a gaming site. My nerdy-hotty-boyfriend (that I've been with for four years and will have to make a whole entire post about introducing ) Austin introduced me to it a coupe of weeks ago. I've been so busy with work and the webbysite that I haven't taken the time to see the potential of the full site. It's pretty awesome. You can check it out here: http://store.steampowered.com/
Anyway, there's this big sale going on Steam. Games for under $10. $5. Free. (The only reason I found out was because said-mentioned-boyfriend called me during work and left me a voice-mail about it.) I fear for my paycheck. I really do. They have the new Tomb Raider game for $12.95.
It's still about $60 in Walmart.
Oh, but the games are all for the PC. That's the thing. You can't buy games for 360 or PlayStation, but honestly for these prices, who wouldn't just toss sell their consoles and buy an amazing gaming computer? I mean really? And Steam has deals like this going on all the time. (Or so I'm told. I'm still a "noobie".)
But, for anyone who already has it; add me! You can find me under "Airianne". Don't be hoping to be impressed by tons of hours and badges though. I don't have many.
And yes, I do still have that test at 9am tomorrow morning in Danville. ;)
Make it a blessing,
It's 11:30 and I'm awake looking at this amazing deal going on Steam.
***For those of you who do not know what Steam is; it's a gaming site. My nerdy-hotty-boyfriend (that I've been with for four years and will have to make a whole entire post about introducing ) Austin introduced me to it a coupe of weeks ago. I've been so busy with work and the webbysite that I haven't taken the time to see the potential of the full site. It's pretty awesome. You can check it out here: http://store.steampowered.com/
Anyway, there's this big sale going on Steam. Games for under $10. $5. Free. (The only reason I found out was because said-mentioned-boyfriend called me during work and left me a voice-mail about it.) I fear for my paycheck. I really do. They have the new Tomb Raider game for $12.95.
It's still about $60 in Walmart.
Oh, but the games are all for the PC. That's the thing. You can't buy games for 360 or PlayStation, but honestly for these prices, who wouldn't just toss sell their consoles and buy an amazing gaming computer? I mean really? And Steam has deals like this going on all the time. (Or so I'm told. I'm still a "noobie".)
But, for anyone who already has it; add me! You can find me under "Airianne". Don't be hoping to be impressed by tons of hours and badges though. I don't have many.
And yes, I do still have that test at 9am tomorrow morning in Danville. ;)
Make it a blessing,
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Today's Blessing
One of life's blessings are the shady trees outside, blocking harmful UV rays from scorching my white, pale skin (which was so recently nice and dark thanks to a spray tan that has now worn off...). I love trees. I love grass. I love the outdoors.
I do hope this heat wave cools down some though.
Study Time
Afternoon! Well, its the afternoon where I'm at...so, um hey?
I feel so lazy, though I just got in from exercising outside. Because I honestly need to do some indoor things instead of outdoor like say, studying and working on the website and....studying? I have a big placement test at EKU's Danville campus Monday because BCTC completely messed up my transcript. So EKU didn't know which math class to put me in...so now I have to be up at the campus by 9am and take a long, long test on my least favorite subject. Yaaaaay!
But then my orientation is Wednesday! Which I'm completely pumped for; I can't wait!!!
I'm not too sure what I'm going to do about my job though...Who knows what my school schedule is going to be like? I really hope the only days I get off aren't the days I go to school...but money is money. And money is goooood. (You know, for bills and such other expenses.)
Gah, I hate being an adult.
Then there's the subject of the degree I'm going to get. Which I really don't even want to think about right now. I haven't a clue.
(Photographer? Book-store-owner? P.A?)
Well, study time. I need to get some done before I go to work.
Let it be blessed,
I feel so lazy, though I just got in from exercising outside. Because I honestly need to do some indoor things instead of outdoor like say, studying and working on the website and....studying? I have a big placement test at EKU's Danville campus Monday because BCTC completely messed up my transcript. So EKU didn't know which math class to put me in...so now I have to be up at the campus by 9am and take a long, long test on my least favorite subject. Yaaaaay!
But then my orientation is Wednesday! Which I'm completely pumped for; I can't wait!!!
I'm not too sure what I'm going to do about my job though...Who knows what my school schedule is going to be like? I really hope the only days I get off aren't the days I go to school...but money is money. And money is goooood. (You know, for bills and such other expenses.)
Gah, I hate being an adult.
Then there's the subject of the degree I'm going to get. Which I really don't even want to think about right now. I haven't a clue.
(Photographer? Book-store-owner? P.A?)
Well, study time. I need to get some done before I go to work.
Let it be blessed,
Friday, July 19, 2013
Today's Blessing
Today's Blessing:
I don't know what I'd do without my hair-dryer. I surely wouldn't make it anywhere on time...or I'd arrive everywhere with wet locks. And I'm not Rose, so it wouldn't be attractive.
I'd had my blow-dryer for a few years now (passed from my momma) and it hasn't given up on me once.
Thankful for the little things. :)
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Hi, my name is Sarah. I'm a young woman in college living in the Eastern backwoods of Kentucky. I reside in an old farm house that stretches on a couple of acres surrounded by beautiful rolling hills and vast miles of luscious greenery. My dad and I live together here in perfect father-daughter-harmony. (Watching cheesy sci-fi's on Netflix, taking turns feeding our very many puppy-dogs on alternating nights and switching up milk-buying duties.)
God. Love. Family. Friends.
Each of these things make my world go 'round and 'round. Without God I would be nothing. Without love I would feel nothing. Without family I would be no one. Without friends I would have nothing. I cling to each of these things like a dying man clings to his last breath of life. Blessings; each one of them.
"Count your blessings, not your problems."
I like to dabble in photography; I've done some portraits, lots of still shots, some seniors and even two weddings (that I took on a little too eagerly for my own nerves). Starting a photography business? Maybe. I'm still young so I'm not sure. I also want to own a bookstore and study to become a P.A. (a physician's assistant). None of those seem to go hand-in-hand so I'm sorta in a dead-lock.
I've decided to go ahead and try out this photography thing though; if only to get a taste. I love capturing the beauty and blessings of this world that God has given to us; I'm just not sure if I'm ready to paid for that yet.
Consequently here we are. My blog "Catching Blessings" (photography).
I guess we'll find out. :)
'til next time,
God. Love. Family. Friends.
Each of these things make my world go 'round and 'round. Without God I would be nothing. Without love I would feel nothing. Without family I would be no one. Without friends I would have nothing. I cling to each of these things like a dying man clings to his last breath of life. Blessings; each one of them.
"Count your blessings, not your problems."
I like to dabble in photography; I've done some portraits, lots of still shots, some seniors and even two weddings (that I took on a little too eagerly for my own nerves). Starting a photography business? Maybe. I'm still young so I'm not sure. I also want to own a bookstore and study to become a P.A. (a physician's assistant). None of those seem to go hand-in-hand so I'm sorta in a dead-lock.
I've decided to go ahead and try out this photography thing though; if only to get a taste. I love capturing the beauty and blessings of this world that God has given to us; I'm just not sure if I'm ready to paid for that yet.
Consequently here we are. My blog "Catching Blessings" (photography).
I guess we'll find out. :)
'til next time,
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